Data Science

Data is everywhere and is being generated at a breakneck pace. This is creating a massive opportunity for organizations to harness data science to transform their business in new ways.

There are a lot of ready-to-use data science solutions in the market, but we believe that our clients are best served by a customized solution since one size does not fit all. Our approach involves developing a solution that matches your business needs, the kind and amount of data that you gather and based on your existing IT infrastructure setup.

Programming languages, APIs & frameworks

Understanding your data is key to success; like a page layout or custom codebase, data science is an invaluable tool to solve your business needs. Our team of engineers takes a deep dive into your data set, using top-of-the-line analysis tools and advanced logic to uncover actionable business insights. From there, we weave mathematics and statistics throughout all of our practices, leveraging the power of predictive analytics, machine learning, and more to develop strategies that guide your goals.

Our Python programmers are well-versed with the latest tools and technologies such as Flask, Jupyter Notebook, Cython and NetworkX to name a few. You can achieve fast prototyping and a robust experimentation cycle with our experienced and dedicated Python developers.

It is an open source software library that uses data flow graphs to carry out numerical computation. It is used by several research and production teams for various perceptual and language understanding tasks to increase flexibility and maximize performance.

Making sense of the numbers

Our distinctive data science approach begins with a thorough understanding of your organization. Knowing your customers, business, and systems, we are able to architect your data in a comprehensive, usable way. Your data may be coming from an analytics tool, a sales pipeline, or a third-party application - or you may need to start collecting it. No matter the source of complexity, we work with you to understand the health of your information, reduce ambiguity, and apply it back to your existing models. The results of these exercises let us identify patterns, create data models, and automate your systems and processes; this action plan, in turn, informs where your data lives, how a customer experiences your website, and what predictions help you plan for the future. By clearly interpreting rich sources of information, we set up your operation to learn from itself.